Monday, May 12, 2008

Free Font Maker

Have you ever wanted to make your own typeface? I have.

I had a friend who was a genius at drawing fonts (typefaces). I was soooo jealous. I couldn't even hand letter a simple "This way to the bathroom" sign (which is why I learned to typeset) without it looking like a 4-year-old had lettered it.

Now, with the magic of technology, even I can create customized letters. I'm so excited!

Introduction to FontStruct from fontstruct on Vimeo.

So, check out this cool, free, downloadable font maker at

Of course, if you aren't feeling artistic today, you can download someone else's creation. Just wait til my type-obsessed friend, Sally, sees THIS!

Of course, my first letter is going to be a "B."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing man!