Extensive college research site, College Prowler, is now free. Due to a change in business model, College Prowler has opened their site up for free registration.
College Prowler began its life as a site that gave the inside scoop on colleges by surveying students who were currently enrolled regarding what the school was REALLY like. Each school then got a report card on key points such as academics, athletics, nightlife, parking, Greek life, facilities, drug scene and weather. All of this information is put together into a user friendly format so you get a real feel for the school from the students, not just from the college promotional literature.
The site has expanded to include student aide calculators, video tours, costs, internships, and comparable schools. You can quickly see the difference in tuition for various colleges and your chances of getting student aide or a job to off-set costs.
You can also do a survey on your personality and find schools that might match. Kind of like a "college computer dating" service.
Even if you only want to check out how your own alma mater rates, it is worth visiting this site. If you are in the early or late stages of choosing a college for yourself or your child, it is a definite go-see.
1 comment:
Thanks for the link! I will be checking this one out for sure as my 16 yr old son wants to go to a 4 yr. college.
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