Friday, June 26, 2009
Boston - RUNmyERRAND
Run My Errand. This is a cool service that allows you to post errands (get milk, pick up my dry cleaning, jump start my car) that you need to have run/done and how much you are willing to pay for them. Somewhere in cyberspace, a runner sees your posting and says... "yep, I'll do that."
The whole thing is done without you having to have actual cash on hand.
Check out their 90 second explanation video here.
If anyone has used this service (or uses it after reading about it in this blog) please post your experience. Sounds pretty helpful. I surely would have used it when I was in Boston.
To find out more and sign up for the service, go to
Frugal Festival at Woodley Park in Van Nuys
One of the Los Angeles Frugal Folk - Bargain Babe - has come up with and is creating what I predict is going to turn into a grand event - the first ever Frugal Festival!!!! Hoot! Hoot! Yipee!
To be held in a nice shady area of Woodley Park (6350 Woodley Ave) in Van Nuys on Sunday, July 26th from 1pm to 4 pm.
The plans keep growing. I'll keep you posted.
Currently there are plans for coupon swapping, financial consultations, raffles, give aways, best frugal tip contest and meeting other frugal friends.
For now, circle your calendars, clear the decks and decide to attend this frugal event.
Kids Consignment Event - Santa Clarita, CA
I've written about this event before. It was huge then... it is much bigger now.
If you have kids, this is a must participate sale. Especially if you live in Santa Clarita or the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.
Kids stuff is sooooo expensive, but it has to be sturdy and meant to last or it can't pass all the tough standards for kids equipment. So, the bargainista KNOWS to buy this equipment used. THIS is the sale. They will have tons and tons of great kids stuff (I mean LOTS) at consignment store prices.
Will it be as cheap as buying it at a garage sale? Probably not. But it will all be in one place and you will have a great selection. Check out the pictures from past sales to see for yourself.
You can consign your old stuff and get new stuff, or just go and get some gently used stuff at great prices.
24911 Avenue Stanford in Valencia, CA 91355
August 14th - 16th, 2009
Friday, 9am - 5pm, Saturday, 9am - 5pm, Sunday, 9am - 2pm
Seller registration closes July 31st, 2009 or sooner if they reach capacity of 200 consignors. Reserve your spot now. All bargain shoppers mark your calendar to shop for new and gently used children's clothing, toys, furniture, nursery items, infant gear, strollers, bouncers, high chairs, play equipment, maternity items, books, and more.
Volunteers - Help out and shop early. Sign up for shifts on the website.
New Parent Early Shopping Pass - available online under "shopper info."For more information, check out their website at:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Homemade Ginger Ale
Since those days, I have become a ginger ale snob. I don't want just ANY ginger ale. I want a GOOD ginger ale.
Of course, I also like ginger, therefore, I like Chinese food, therefore I have experienced massive MSG overdoses, therefore I have a huge collection of individual soy sauce bags in a drawer of my kitchen. These sorts of things just follow one after another.
Anyway... today I found a recipe to make homemade ginger ale. Not just any recipe, but one that looks easy and doesn't take all day. Oh, be still my beating heart.
Now, in my excitement, I am sending you the link to the recipe without trying it myself. BUT, I have looked at it and am inspired and encouraged.
The information is on - a worthy site.
Click here for the homemade ginger ale recipe. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Natural and Cheap Teeth Whitener

Incredibly white teeth have become the standard in our society. Most of these pearly whites are achieved by caps or hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide, although effective, is not really safe. It can damage and destroy your gums and teeth.
If you’re looking for a safer alternative to brighten your teeth, you can try this simple trick from Dr. Mercola:
"Crush one ripe strawberry and mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for five minutes. Brush your teeth with a little toothpaste (non-flouride, of course) and rinse.
This natural mixture works because of the malic acid it contains, which acts as an astringent to remove some of the surface discoloration on your teeth. Though this method is perfectly safe to use on occasion, don’t use it too often (no more than once a week) because the acid could potentially damage your tooth enamel."
My research also turned up a few other suggestions:
* Orange rind. Rub the inside of orange rind on your teeth.
* Crushed walnut. I can't tell how you're are supposed to use it.
* Wood ash - from your fireplace. You brush your teeth with it.
* Lemon juice. Rinse, brush, soak.
* Dried and powdered bay leaves with dried orange peel.
* A drop of clove oil added to your toothpaste.
* Rubbing the bark of a walnut tree on your teeth.
Of course, you can just avoid foods that stain. Then brush and floss your teeth very regularly and well.
I can't wait to try all (well, most) of these. Let me know what works for you.